Lauren Ashlock, Ph.D. Candidate
Lauren is a Ph.D. graduate student at the University of Vermont, who joined FI in summer 2019 for an internship.
Sonia D. Batten, Ph.D.
Sonia is the coordinator of the North Pacific Continuous Plankton Recorder (CPR) Survey for the Sir Alister Hardy Foundation for Ocean Science (SAHFOS).
Bryan Black, Ph.D.
Bryan is an Assistant Professor at Austin Marine Science Institute (University of Texas) in Port Aransas, TX. Bryan is expert in using growth chronologies of trees, bivalves, and rockfish in climate variability studies.
Steven Bograd, Ph.D.
Steven is an oceanographer in the Environmental Research Division of NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center. His diverse research interests include climate variability in eastern boundary current systems.
Peter Davison, Ph.D.
Pete is a biological oceanographer and acoustician working at Scripps Institution of Oceanography as a National Research Council Research Assistant. Pete studies marine fish ecology in the California Current System, with a focus on mesopelagic fishes.
Simon Dedman, Ph.D.
Simon is a spatial ecologist and machine learning statistician working at Stanford’s Hopkins Marine Station. Having worked with us modelling the population dynamics of anchovy, Simon is currently researching how behavioural changes in Atlantic bluefin tuna relate to environmental correlates.
Jason Hassrick, Ph.D.
Jason, a former FI researcher, is an aquatic ecologist with ICF International in San Rafael, CA.
Brian Hoover, Ph.D.
Following the completion of his FI post-doc research, Brian is now a Grand Challenges Initiative Fellow at Chapman University. In this position, he splits teaching and mentorship responsibilities with his continuing research on animal behavior and marine ecosystem function
Grant Humphries, Ph.D.
Grant, a seabird ecologist and former FI post-doctoral researcher, is currently a post-doctoral associate at Stony Brook University. His current work is on website development for data and model access.
Emily Klein, Ph.D.
Emily works at the Boston University Pardee Center on projects about where and when complex and chaotic dynamics occur in human-natural systems over space and time, their dynamics within and across those systems, and implications for theory and policy.
Caitlin Kroeger, Ph.D.
Mike Litzow, Ph.D.
Mike spent several years as an FI researcher abroad, but now has more permanently set anchor in Kodiak with a position at the University of Alaska. He specializes in links between climate change and ecosystem status, with a focus on commercially important groundfish and crustacean populations.
Marcel Losekoot, M.Sc.
Marcel is a programmer and high-frequency radar technician at Bodega Marine Lab and the Coastal and Marine Sciences Institute at UC Davis.
Alec is a member of the Farallon Institute Board of Directors and collaborator on recent FI research concerning anchovy. He is a quantitative fisheries biologist from Seattle, Washington, and recently retired from a successful career with NOAA’s National Marine Fisheries Service.
Nathan Mantua, Ph.D.
Nate, a member of the FI Board of Directors, is the leader for the Landscape Ecology Team at NOAA’s Southwest Fisheries Science Center, and has expertise about decadal-scale climate variability and ecosystem regime shifts.
Kyra L. Mills, M.Sc.
Kyra is the Field Operations Manager for the Oiled Wildlife Care Network at UC Davis, and her expertise is in seabird ecology.
John Piatt, Ph.D.
John is a seabird ecologist for the USGS Alaska Science Center. His recent studies have focused on relationships between the environment, forage fish, and seabirds in the Gulf of Alaska and Aleutian Islands.
Heather Robinson, M.Sc.
Heather recently served as the FI social media communications liaison following her relocation to Austin, Texas.
Ryan Rykaczewski, Ph.D.
Ryan is an assistant professor for the University of South Carolina. He is an oceanographer with current interests in large-scale, coupled, physical-biological processes.
Jarrod A. Santora, Ph.D.
Jarrod is a researcher for the Center for Stock Assessment Research (CSTAR) at the University of California Santa Cruz and studies comparative ecosystem oceanography.
Isaac Schroeder, Ph.D.
Isaac is a physical oceanographer in NOAA’s Environmental Research Division. His work focuses on linking oceanographic processes to predator productivity.
Daisy Hui Shi, Ph.D.
Robert Suryan, Ph.D.
Rob is an associate professor at Oregon State University’s Hatfield Marine Science Center. As a senior researcher there, his work centers around marine ecosystem processes including food web dynamics and foraging ecology.
Amber Szoboszlai, M.Sc.
Amber uses historical data synthesis to support ecosystem-based management of large marine ecosystems in the context of climate change. In addition to data science, she works on environmental justice and climate change communication as a community activist.
Ramona Zeno, M.Sc.
Ramona is a former FI researcher who now works for ICF International in San Rafael, CA.