Older Publications
Marine top predators as climate and ecosystem sentinels
Hazen, EL, B Abrahms, S Brodie, G Carroll, MG Jacox, MS Savoca, KL Scales, WJ Sydeman, and SJ Bograd. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment 17:565-574.Food habits of an endangered seabird indicate recent poor forage fish availability off western South Africa
Crawford, RJM, WJ Sydeman, SA Thompson, RB Sherley, and AB Makhado. ICES Journal of Marine Science 76:1344-1352.Novel vs. traditional approaches to sampling seabird diet: Nest and pellet analysis of Brandt’s cormorants (Phalacrocorax penicillatus)
Robinson, HJ, VL Seher, and JA Thayer. Waterbirds 42:282-293.Effects of ocean climate on the length and condition of forage fish in the Gulf of Alaska
Thompson, SA, M Garcia-Reyes, WJ Sydeman, ML Arimitsu, SA Hatch, and JF Piatt. Fisheries Oceanography 28:658-671.Seabirds on the CalCOFI/CCE-LTER Survey, Summer 2019 data report
Sydeman, WJ, C Wright, and SA Thompson. Farallon Institute ReportSeabirds on the CalCOFI/CCE-LTER Survey, Spring 2019 data report
Sydeman, WJ, B Hoover, M Losekoot, and SA Thompson. Farallon Institute ReportWidespread shifts in the coastal biota of northern California during the 2014-2016 marine heatwaves
Sanford, E, JL Sones, M Garcia-Reyes, JHR Goddard, and JL Largier. Scientific Reports 9:4216.A multi-model approach to understanding the role of Pacific sardine in the California Current food web
Kaplan, IC, TB Francis, AE Punt, LE Koehn, E Curchitser, F Hurtado-Ferro, KF Johnson, SE Lluch-Cota, WJ Sydeman, TE Essington, N Taylor, K Holsman, AD MacCall, and PS Levin. Marine Ecology Progress Series 617-618:307-321.
State of the California Current 2017-2018: Still not quite normal in the north and getting interesting in the south
Thompson, AR, ID Schroeder, SJ Bograd, EL Hazen, MG Jacox, A Leising, BK Wells, JL Largier, JL Fisher, K Jacobson, S Zeman, EP Bjorkstedt, RR Robertson, FP Chavez, M Kahru, R Goericke, S Mcclatchie, CE Peabody, TR Baumgartner, BE Lavaniegos, J Gomez-Valdes, RD Brodeur, EA Daly, CA Morgan, TD Auth, BJ Burke, J Field, K Sakuma, ED Weber, W Watson, J Coates, R Schoenbaum, L Rogers-Bennett, RM Suryan, J Dolliver, S Loredo, JE Zamon, SR Schneider, RT Golightly, P Warzybok, J Jahncke, JA Santora, SA Thompson, W Sydeman, SR Melin. CalCOFI Reports 59.Changes in California sea lion diet during a period of substantial climate variability
Robinson, H, J Thayer, WJ Sydeman, and M Weise. Marine Biology 165:169.A comparison of modes of upwelling variability in the Benguela and California current ecosystems
Garcia-Reyes, M, T Lamont, WJ Sydeman, BA Black, RR Rykaczewski, SA Thompson, and SJ Bograd. Journal of Marine Systems 188:17-26.Upwelling indices for comparative ecosystem studies: Variability in the Benguela Upwelling System
Lamont, T, M Garcia-Reyes, SJ Bograd, CD van der Lingen, and WJ Sydeman. Journal of Marine Systems 188:3-16.Rising synchrony controls western North American ecosystems
Black, BA, P van der Sleen, E Di Lorenzo, D Griffin, WJ Sydeman, JB Dunham, RR Rykaczewski, M Garcia-Reyes, M Safeeq, I Arismendi, and SJ Bograd. Global Change Biology 24:2305-2314.Biogeography of pelagic food webs in the North Pacific
Piatt, JF, ML Arimitsu, WJ Sydeman, SA Thompson, H Renner, S Zador, D Douglas, S Hatch, A Kettle, and J Williams. Fisheries Oceanography 27:366-380.Non-stationary responses in Cape anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus) recruitment to coastal upwelling in the Southern Benguela
van der Sleen, P, RR Rykaczewski, BD Turley, WJ Sydeman, M Garcia-Reyes, SJ Bograd, CD van der Lingen, JC Coetzee, T Lamont, and BA Black. Marine Ecology Progress Series 596:155-164.Submarine canyons represent an essential habitat network for krill hotspots in a Large Marine Ecosystem
Santora, JA, R Zeno, JG Dorman, and WJ Sydeman. Scientific Reports 8:7579.Seabirds on the CalCOFI/CCE-LTER survey, spring 2018 data report
Sydeman, WJ, M Force, M Losekoot and SA Thompson. Farallon Institute Report.Forecasting herring biomass using environmental and population parameters
Sydeman, WJ, M Garcia-Reyes, AI Szoboszlai, SA Thompson and JA Thayer. Fisheries Research 205:141-148.Seabirds on the CalCOFI/CCE-LTER Survey, winter 2018 data report
Sydeman, WJ, M Force, M Losekoot, and SA Thompson. Farallon Institute Report.Impacts of rising sea temperature on krill increase risks for predators in the Scotia Sea
Klein, ES, SL Hill, JT Hinke, T Phillips, and GM Watters. PLoS ONE 13:e0191011.
Projecting marine mammal distribution in a changing climate
Silber, GK, MD Lettrich, PO Thomas, JD Baker, M Baumgartner, EA Becker, P Boveng, DM Dick, J Fiechter, J Forcada, KA Forney, RB Griffis, JA Hare, AJ Hobday, D Howell, KL Laidre, N Mantua, L Quakenbush, JA Santora, KM Stafford, P Spencer, C Stock, W Sydeman, K Van Houtan, and RS Waples. Frontiers in Marine Science 4:413.Ecosystem status report of the California Current for 2017: A summary of ecosystem indicators compiled by the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment Team (CCIEA)
Harvey, C, N Garfield, G Williams, et al. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-NWFSC-139.State of the California Current 2016-2017: Still anything but "normal" in the north
Wells, BK, ID Schroeder, SJ Bograd, et al. CalCOFI Reports 58:1-55.Readying California fisheries for climate change
Chavez, FP, C Costello, D Aseltine-Neilson, H Doremus, JC Field, SD Gaines, M Hall-Arber, NJ Mantua, B McCovey, C Pomeroy, L Sievanen, W Sydeman, and SA Wheeler (California Ocean Protection Council Science Advisory Team Working Group). Report from California Ocean Science Trust.Modeling spatiotemporal dynamics of krill aggregations: size, intensity, persistence, and coherence with seabirds
Santora, JA, JG Dorman, and WJ Sydeman. Ecography 40:1300-1314.Seabirds and marine mammals on the NMFS Juvenile Rockfish-Ecosystem and Pre-Recruit surveys: 2017 data report
Sydeman, WJ, R Suryan, M Force, M Losekoot, and SA Thompson. Farallon Institute Report.Trends in the Pacific herring (Clupea pallasii) metapopulation in the California Current Ecosystem
Thompson, SA, WJ Sydeman, JA Thayer, A Weinstein, KL Krieger, and D Hay. CalCOFI Reports 58.Best practices for assessing forage fish fisheries-seabird resource competition
Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, T Anker-Nilssen, M Arimitsu, A Bennison, S Bertrand, P Boersch-Supan, C Boyd, NC Bransome, RJM Crawford, F Daunt, RW Furness, D Gianuca, A Gladics, L Koehn, JW Lang, E Logerwell, TL Morris, EM Phillips, J Provencher, AE Punt, C Saraux, L Shannon, RB Sherley, A Simeone, RM Wanless, S Wanless, and S Zador. Fisheries Research 194:209-221.Puffins reveal contrasting relationships between forage fish and ocean climate in the North Pacific
Sydeman, WJ, JF Piatt, SA Thompson, M Garcia-Reyes, S Hatch, M Arimitsu, L Slater, J Williams, N Rojek, S Zador, and H Renner. Fisheries Oceanography 26:379-395.California anchovy population remains low, 2012-2016
Thayer, JA, AD MacCall, PC Davison, and WJ Sydeman. CalCOFI Reports 58.Seabirds on the CalCOFI/CCE-LTER survey, spring 2017 data report
Sydeman, WJ, S Webb, M Losekoot, and SA Thompson. Farallon Institute Report.Indications of hysteresis and early warning signals of reduced community resilience during a Bering Sea cold anomaly
Litzow, MA. Marine Ecology Progress Series 571:13-28.Regionalizing indicators for marine ecosystems: Bering Sea - Aleutian Island seabirds, climate, and competitors
Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, JF Piatt, M Garcia-Reyes, S Zador, JC Williams, M Romano, and HM Renner. Ecological Indicators 78:458-469.Persistence of trophic hotspots and relation to human impacts within an upwelling marine system
Santora, JA, WJ Sydeman, ID Schroeder, JC Field, RR Miller, and BK Wells. Ecological Applications 27:560-574.Are there temporal or spatial gaps in recent estimates of anchovy off California?
Davison, PC, WJ Sydeman, and JA Thayer. CalCOFI Reports 58.Satellite sea-surface temperatures along the west coast of the United States during the 2014-2016 northeast Pacific marine heat wave
Gentemann, CL, MR Fewings, and M Garcia-Reyes. Geophysical Research Letters 44:312-319.California Multivariate Ocean Climate Indicator (MOCI) and marine ecosystem dynamics
Garcia-Reyes, M, and WJ Sydeman. Ecological Indicators 72:521-529. [Research Brief]
Exploring the implications of the harvest control rule for Pacific sardine, accounting for predator dynamics: A MICE model
Punt, AE, AD MacCall, TE Essington, TB Francis, F Hurtado-Ferro, KF Johnson, IC Kaplan, LE Koehn, PS Levin, and WJ Sydeman. Ecological Modelling 337:79-95.Breeding ecology of Brandt's cormorants and western gulls on Alcatraz Island, 2016
Robinson, H, J Thayer, W Merkle, and V Seher. Farallon Institute Final Report to the Golden Gate National Recreation Area (GGNRA) and National Park Service (NPS).Early warning signals, nonlinearity, and signs of hysteresis in real ecosystems
Litzow, MA, and ME Hunsicker. Ecosphere 7:e01614.Developing a high taxonomic resolution food web model to assess the functional role of forage fish in the California Current ecosystem
Koehn, LE, TE Essington, KN Marshall, IC Kaplan, WJ Sydeman, AI Szoboszlai, and JA Thayer. Ecological Modelling 335:87-100.Productivity and biomass of fishes in the California Current Large Marine Ecosystem: Comparison of fishery-dependent and -independent time series
Koslow, JA, and PC Davison. Environmental Development 17:23-32.Recent collapse of northern anchovy biomass off California
MacCall, AD, WJ Sydeman, PC Davison, and JA Thayer. Fisheries Research 175:87-94.Responses of marine organisms to climate change across oceans
Poloczanska, ES, MT Burrows, CJ Brown, J Garcia Molinos, BS Halpern, O Hoegh-Guldberg, CV Kappel, PJ Moore, AJ Richardson, DS Schoeman, and WJ Sydeman. Frontiers in Marine Science 3:62.Modeled connectivity of Acropora millepora populations from reefs of the Spratly Islands and the greater South China Sea
Dorman, JG, FS Castruccio, EN Curchitser, JA Kleypas, and TM Powell. Coral Reefs 35:169-179.Marine ecosystem perspectives on Chinook salmon recruitment: a synthesis of empirical and modeling studies from a California upwelling system
Wells, BK, JA Santora, ID Schroeder, N Mantua, WJ Sydeman, DD Huff, and JC Field. Marine Ecology Progress Series 552:271-284.Early ocean distribution of juvenile Chinook salmon in an upwelling ecosystem
Hassrick, JL, MJ Henderson, DD Huff, WJ Sydeman, MC Sabal, JA Harding, AJ Ammann, ED Crandall, EP Bjorkstedt, JC Garza, and SA Hayes. Fisheries Oceanography 25:133-146.
Under pressure: Climate change, upwelling, and Eastern Boundary Upwelling Ecosystems
Garcia-Reyes, M, WJ Sydeman, DS Schoeman, RR Rykaczewski, BA Black, AJ Smit, and SJ Bograd. Frontiers in Marine Science 2:109.An individual-based model of Euphausia pacifica in the California Current
Dorman, JG, WJ Sydeman, SJ Bograd, and TM Powell. Progress in Oceanography 138:504-520.Climate change and marine vertebrates
Sydeman, WJ, E Poloczanska, TE Reed, and SA Thompson. Science 350:772-777.Persistence of hotspots and variability of seabird species richness and abundance in the southern California Current
Santora, JA, and WJ Sydeman. Ecosphere 6:214.Population characteristics, habitat and diet of a recently discovered stingray Dasyatis marianae: implications for conservation
Costa, TLA, JA Thayer, and LF Mendes. Journal of Fish Biology 86:527-543.Forage species in predator diets: Synthesis of data from the California Current
Szoboszlai, AI, JA Thayer, SA Wood, WJ Sydeman, and LE Koehn. Ecological Informatics 29:45-56.Modeling krill aggregations in the central-northern California Current
Dorman, JG, WJ Sydeman, M Garcia-Reyes, RA Zeno, and JA Santora. Marine Ecology Progress Series 528:87-99.Acoustic biomass estimation of mesopelagic fishes: backscattering from individuals, populations, and communities
Davison, P, JA Koslow, and RJ Kloser. ICES Journal of Marine Science 72:1413-1424.Climate-ecosystem change off southern California: time-dependent seabird predator-prey numerical responses
Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, JA Santora, JA Koslow, R Goericke, and MD Ohman. Deep-Sea Research Part II 112:158-170.Mesopelagic fish biomass in the southern California current ecosystem [Research Brief]
Davison, P, A Lara-Lopez, and JA Koslow. Deep-Sea Research Part II 112:129-142.
Assessing the ecological importance of climate regime shifts: An approach from the North Pacific Ocean
Litzow, MA, and FJ Mueter. Progress in Oceanography 120:110-119.Changes in California Chinook salmon diet over the past 50 years: relevance to the recent population crash
Thayer, JA, JC Field, and WJ Sydeman. Marine Ecology Progress Series 498:249-261.Climate change and wind intensification in coastal upwelling ecosystems [Research Brief]
Sydeman, WJ, M Garcia-Reyes, DS Schoeman, RR Rykaczewski, SA Thompson, BA Black, and SJ Bograd. Science 345:77-80.Multivariate ocean-climate indicators (MOCI) for the central California Current: Environmental change, 1990-2010
Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, M Garcia-Reyes, M Kahru, WT Peterson, and JL Largier. Progress in Oceanography 120:352-369.Six centuries of variability and extremes in a coupled marine-terrestrial ecosystem
Black, BA, WJ Sydeman, DC Frank, D Griffin, DW Stahle, M Garcia-Reyes, RR Rykaczewski, SJ Bograd, and WT Peterson. Science 345:1498-1502.Spatio-temporal dynamics of ocean conditions and forage taxa reveal regional structuring of seabird-prey relationships
Santora, JA, ID Schroeder, JC Field, BK Wells, and WJ Sydeman. Ecological Applications 24:1730-1747.Synoptic-scale upwelling indices and predictions of phyto- and zooplankton populations
Garcia-Reyes, M, JL Largier, and WJ Sydeman. Progress in Oceanography 120:177-188.Temporal variation in California sea lion food habits: 2010 and 2013
Hassrick, J, H Robinson, K Hernandez, P Morris, J Thayer, and M Weise. Farallon Institute Technical Report.
Dynamic intra-seasonal habitat use by Antarctic fur seals suggests migratory hotspots near the Antarctic Peninsula
Santora, JA. Marine Biology 160:1383-1393.Global imprint of climate change on marine life [Research Brief]
Poloczanska, ES, CJ Brown, WJ Sydeman, W Kiessling, DS Schoeman, PJ Moore, K Brander, JF Bruno, LB Buckley, MT Burrows, CM Duarte, BS Halpern, J Holding, CV Kappel, MI O'Connor, JM Pandolfi, C Parmesan, F Schwing, SA Thompson, and AJ Richardson. Nature Climate Change 3:919-925.Increasing variance in North Pacific climate relates to unprecedented ecosystem variability off California [Research Brief]
Sydeman, WJ, JA Santora, SA Thompson, B Marinovic, and E Di Lorenzo. Global Change Biology 19:1662-1675.Integrated assessment of wind effects on Central California's pelagic ecosystem [Research Brief]
García-Reyes, M, WJ Sydeman, SA Thompson, BA Black, RR Rykaczewski, JA Thayer, and SJ Bograd. Ecosystems 16(5):722-735.The North Pacific High and wintertime pre-conditioning of California Current productivity
[Research Brief]
Schroeder, ID, BA Black, WJ Sydeman, SJ Bograd, EL Hazen, JA Santora, and BK Wells. Geophysical Research Letters 40:541-546.Relative influence of oceanic and terrestrial pressure systems in driving upwelling-favorable winds
Garcia-Reyes, M, WJ Sydeman, BA Black, RR Rykaczewski, DS Schoeman, SA Thompson, and SJ Bograd. Geophysical Research Letters 40:5311-5315.Rising catch variability preceded historical fisheries collapses in Alaska [Research Brief]
Litzow, MA, FJ Mueter, and JD Urban. Ecological Applications 23(6):1475-1487.Securing ocean benefits for society in the face of climate change [Research Brief]
Ruckelshaus, M, SC Doney, HM Galindo, JP Barry, F Chan, JE Duffy, CA English, SD Gaines, JM Grebmeier, AB Hollowed, N Knowlton, J Polovina, NN Rabalais, WJ Sydeman, and LD Talley. Marine Policy 40:154-159.Triple check: Observations verify structural realism of an ocean ecosystem model [Research Brief]
Santora, JA, WJ Sydeman, M Messie, F Chai, Y Chao, SA Thompson, BK Wells, and FP Chavez. Geophysical Research Letters 40:1-6.Water and otolith chemistry identify exposure of juvenile rockfish to upwelled waters in an open coastal system
Woodson, LE, BK Wells, CB Grimes, RP Franks, JA Santora, and MH Carr. Marine Ecology Progress Series 473:261-273.
Climate change and seabirds of the California Current and Pacific Islands Ecosystems: Observed and potential impacts and management implications
Young, L, RM Suryan, D Duffy, and WJ Sydeman. Report to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Region 1. May 3, 2012.Climate change impacts on marine ecosystems
Doney, SC, M Ruckleshaus, JE Duffy, JP Barry, F Chan, CA English, HM Galindo, JM Grebmeier, AB Hollowed, N Knowlton, J Polovina, NN Rabalais, WJ Sydeman, and LD Talley. Annual Review of Marine Science 4:1-27.Effects of climate variability on breeding phenology and performance of tropical seabirds in the eastern Indian Ocean
Surman, CA, LW Nicholson, and JA Santora. Marine Ecology Progress Series 454:147-157.Habitat use of hourglass dolphins near the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Santora, JA. Polar Biology 5:801-806.Hotspots of seabird abundance in the California Current: Implications for Important Bird Areas
Sydeman, WJ, M Losekoot, JA Santora, SA Thompson, KH Morgan, T Distler, A Weinstein, MA Smith, N Walker, C Free, and M Kirchhoff. Report for California Audubon, March 23, 2012. [Tables and Figures]Krill space: a comparative assessment of mesoscale structuring in polar and temperate marine ecosystems
Santora, JA, WJ Sydeman, ID Schroeder, CS Reiss, BK Wells, JC Field, AM Cossio, and VJ Loeb. ICES Journal of Marine Science 69:1317-1327.Linking predators to seasonality of upwelling: Using food web indicators and path analysis to infer trophic connections [Research Brief]
Thompson, SA, WJ Sydeman, JA Santora, BA Black, RM Suryan, J Calambokidis, WT Peterson, and SJ Bograd. Progress in Oceanography 101:106-120.New approach for using remotely-sensed chlorophyll a to identify seabird hotspots [Research Brief]
Suryan, RM, JA Santora, and WJ Sydeman. Marine Ecology Progress Series 451:213-225.Phenology of pelagic seabird abundance relative to marine climate change in the Alaska Gyre [Research Brief]
Thompson, SA, WJ Sydeman, JA Santora, KH Morgan, W Crawford, and MT Burrows. Marine Ecology Progress Series 454:159-170.Population dynamics of Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) relative to prey availability in the central California coastal region
Wells, BK, JA Santora, JC Field, R MacFarlane, BB Marinovic, and WJ Sydeman. Marine Ecology Progress Series 457:125-137.Population dynamics of Salpa thompsoni near the Antarctic Peninsula: Growth rates and interannual variations in reproductive activity (1993-2009)
Loeb, VJ and JA Santora. Progress in Oceanography 96:93-107.Research priorities for seabirds: improving conservation and management in the 21st century
Lewison, R, D Oro, B Godley, L Underhill, S Bearhop, RP Wilson, D Ainley, JM Arcos, PD Boersma, PG Borboroglu, T Boulinier, M Frederiksen, M Genovart, J Gonzalez-Solis, JA Green, D Gremillet, KC Hamer, GM Hilton, A Martinez-Abrain, WA Montevecchi, RA Phillips, PG Ryan, P Sagar, WJ Sydeman, P Yorio, S Wanless, Y Watanuki, and H Weimerskirch. Endangered Species Research 17:93-121.Seabirds and climate change: roadmap for the future [Research Brief]
Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, and A Kitaysky. Marine Ecology Progress Series 454:107-117.Seasonality and coastal upwelling off central and northern California: New insights, including temporal and spatial variability
García-Reyes, M and JL Largier. Journal of Geophysical Research 117:C03028.Spatial ecology of krill, micronekton, and top predators in the central California Current: implications of defining ecologically important areas [Research Brief]
Santora, JA, JC Field, ID Schroeder, K Sakuma, BK Wells, and WJ Sydeman. Progress in Oceanography 106:154-174.State of the California Current 2011-2012: Ecosystems respond to local forcing as La Nina wavers and wanes
Bjorkstedt, EP, R Goericke, S McClatchie, E Weber, W Watson, N Lo, W Peterson, R Brodeur, S Bograd, T Auth, J Fisher, C Morgan, J Peterson, R Durazo, G Gaxiola-Castro, B Lavaniegos, F Chavez, CA, Collins, J Field, K Sakuma, W Satterthwaite, M O'Farrell, WJ Sydeman, SA Thompson, P Warzybok, R Bradley, J Jahncke, R Golightly, S Schneider, J Largier, SY Kim, S Melin, R DeLong, and J Abell. CalCOFI Reports 53:41-76.
Advection and starvation cause krill (Euphausia pacifica) decreases in 2005 Northern California coastal populations: Implications from a model study [Research Brief]
Dorman, JG, TM Powell, WJ Sydeman, and SJ Bograd. Geophysical Research Letters 38:L04605.Does positioning of the North Pacific Current affect downstream ecosystem productivity?
Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, JA Santora, JC Field, WT Peterson, R Tanasichuk, H Freeland, SJ Bograd, and RR Rykaczewski. Geophysical Research Letters 38:L12606. Manuscript featured in Nature "Research Highlights" (July 6, 2011).Functional responses and scaling in predator-prey interactions of marine fishes
Hunsicker, ME, L Ciannelli, KM Bailey, J Buckel, JW White, J Link, TE Essington, S Gaichas, TW Anderson, RD Brodeur, K Chan, K Chen, G Englund, K Frank, V Freitas, MA Hixon, T Hurst, DW Johnson, JF Kitchell, D Reese, GA Rose, H Sjodin, WJ Sydeman, HW van der Veer, K Vollset, and S Zador. Ecology Letters 14:1288-1299.Geospatial variability of krill and top predators within an Antarctic submarine canyon system
Santora, JA and CS Reiss. Marine Biology 158:2527-2540.Global seabird response to forage fish depletion -- One-third for the birds
Cury, PM, IL Boyd, S Bonhommeau, T Anker-Nilssen, RJM Crawford, RW Furness, JA Mills, EJ Murphy, H Osterblom, M Paleczny, JF Piatt, J Roux, L Shannon, and WJ Sydeman. Science 334:1703-1706.Mesoscale structure and oceanographic determinants of krill hotspots in the California Current: Implications for trophic transfer and conservation
Santora, JA, WJ Sydeman, ID Schroeder, BK Wells, and JC Field. Progress in Oceanography 91:397-409.Quantitative approaches in climate change ecology
Brown, CJ, D Schoeman, WJ Sydeman, K Brander, L Buckley, M Burrows, CM Duarte, P Moore, J Pandolfi, E Poloczanska, W Venables, and AJ Richardson. Global Change Biology 17:3697-3713.Reproductive success of planktivorous seabirds in the North Pacific is related to ocean climate on decadal scales
Bond, AL, IL Jones, WJ Sydeman, HL Major, S Minobe, JC Williams, and GV Byrd. Marine Ecology Progress Series 424:205-218.Spatial organization of krill and seabirds in the central California Current [Research Brief]
Santora, JA, WJ Sydeman, and S Ralston. ICES Journal of Marine Science 68:1391-1402.State of the California Current 2010-2011: Regionally variable responses to a strong (but fleeting?) La Nina
Bjorkstedt, EP, R Goericke, S McClatchie, E Weber, W Watson, N Lo, B Peterson, B Emmett, R Brodeur, J Peterson, M Litz, J Gomez-Valdez, G Gaxiola-Castro, B Lavaniegos, F Chavez, CA, Collins, J Field, K Sakuma, P Warzybok, R Bradley, J Jahncke, S Bograd, F Schwing, GS Campbell, J Hildebrand, W Sydeman, SA Thompson, J Largier, C Halle, SY Kim, and J Abell. California Cooperative Oceanic Fisheries Investigations Report 52:36-68.The pace of shifting climate in marine and terrestrial ecosystems
Burrows, MT, DS Schoeman, LB Buckley, P Moore, ES Poloczanska, KM Brander, C Brown, JF Bruno, CM Duarte, BS Halpern, J Holding, CV Kappel, W Kiessling, MI O’Connor, JM Pandolfi, C Parmesan, FB Schwing, WJ Sydeman, and AJ Richardson. Science 334:652-655.Winter and summer upwelling modes and their biological importance in the California Current
Black, BA, ID Schroeder, WJ Sydeman, SJ Bograd, BK Wells, and FB Schwing. Global Change Biology 17:2536-2545.
The California current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment (IEA), Module II: trends and variability in climate-ecosystem state
Sydeman, WJ and SA Thompson. Farallon Institute Report.Climate change impacts: Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries
Largier, JL, BS Cheng, and KD Higgason, editors. Report of a Joint Working Group of the Gulf of the Farallones and Cordell Bank National Marine Sanctuaries Advisory Councils.Collaborative fisheries research in support of ecosystem-based salmon management in Northern California
Thayer, JA, W Sydeman, and J Field. Final Report, California Sea Grant Project R/FISH-212PD.Macro-ecology of plankton-seabird associations in the North Pacific Ocean
Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, JA Santora, MF Henry, KH Morgan, and SD Batten. Journal of Plankton Research 32:1697-1713.Observations of increased wind-driven coastal upwelling off central California
Garcia-Reyes, M and J Largier. Journal of Geophysical Research 115:C04011.Population consequences of biomass loss due to commercial collection of the wild seaweed Postelsia palmaeformis
Thompson, SA, H Knoll, CA Blanchette, and KJ Nielsen. Marine Ecology Progress Series 413:17–31.Predicting population consequences of ocean climate change for an ecosystem sentinel, the seabird Cassin's auklet
Wolf, SG, MA Snyder, WJ Sydeman, DF Doak, and DA Croll. Global Change Biology 16:1923-1935.Seabirds as indicators of the state of the marine environment and its conservation
Kazama, K, M Ito, Y Niizuma, Y Sakurai, H Takada, WJ Sydeman, JP Croxall, and Y Watanuki. Japanese Journal of Ornithology 59:38-54.Spatial association between hotspots of baleen whales and demographic patterns of Antarctic krill Euphausia superba suggests size-dependent predation
Santora, JA, CS Reiss, VJ Loeb, and RR Veit. Marine Ecology Progress Series 405:255-269.Spatial distribution patterns of southern bottlenose whales, Hyperoodon planifrons, near the South Shetland Islands, Antarctica
Santora, JA and ET Brown. Marine Mammal Science 26:960-968.Status and trends of the California Current region, 2003-2008
Bograd, SJ, WJ Sydeman, J Barlow, A Booth, RD Brodeur, J Calambokidis, F Chavez, WR Crawford, E Di Lorenzo, R Druazo, R Emmett, J Field, G Gaxiola-Castro, W Gilly, R Goericke, J Hildebrand, JE Irvine, M Kahru, JA Koslow, B Lavaniegos, M Lowry, DL Mackas, M Manzano-Sarabia, SM McKinnell, BG Mitchell, L Munger, RI Perry, WT Peterson, S Ralston, J Schweiger, A Suntsov, R Tanasichuk, AC Thomas, and FA Whitney. Book chapter in: McKinnell, SM and Dagg, MJ (Eds.) Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008. PICES Press. pp. 106-141.Status and trends of the North Pacific oceanic region, 2003-2008
Batten, S, X Chen, EN Flint, HJ Freeland, J Holmes, E Howell, T Ichii, M Kaeriyama, M Landry, C Lunsford, DL Mackas, B Mate, K Matsuda, SM McKinnell, L Miller, K Morgan, A Pena, JJ Polovina, M Robert, MP Seki, WJ Sydeman, SA Thompson, FA Whitney, P Woodworth, and A Yamaguchi. Book chapter in: McKinnell, SM and Dagg, MJ (Eds.) Marine Ecosystems of the North Pacific Ocean, 2003-2008. PICES Press. pp. 56-105.Wintertime ocean conditions synchronize rockfish growth and seabird reproduction in the central California Current ecosystem
Black, BA, ID Schroeder, WJ Sydeman, SJ Bograd, and PW Lawson. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 67:1149-1158.
Macro-ecology of North Pacific ecosystems: Plankton-seabird associations in space and time
Sydeman, WJ, SA Thompson, JA Santora, and MF Henry. Final Report, North Pacific Research Board Project 801.Marine ecosystems, climate and phenology: impacts on top predators
Sydeman, WJ. Marine Ecology Progress Series (Theme Section) 393:185-301.Phenology of coastal upwelling in the California Current
Bograd, SJ, I Schroeder, N Sarkar, X Qiu, WJ Sydeman, and FB Schwing. Geophysical Research Letters 36:L01602.Seabirds and climate in the California Current - A synthesis of change
Sydeman, WJ, KL Mills, JA Santora, SA Thompson, DF Bertram, KH Morgan, JM Hipfner, BK Wells, and SG Wolf. CalCOFI Report 50:82-104.
Annual prey consumption of the common murre, a dominant seabird in the California Current
Sydeman, WJ and N Nur. California Sea Grant R/F-195.Developing the California Current Integrated Ecosystem Assessment, Module I: select time-series of ecosystem state
Sydeman, WJ and ML Elliott.Developing wave energy in coastal California: Potential socio-economic and environmental effects
Nelson PA, D Behrens, J Castle, G Crawford, RN Gaddam, SC Hackett, J Largier, DP Lohse, KL Mills, PT Raimondi, M Robart, WJ Sydeman, SA Thompson, and S Woo. California Energy Commission, PIER Energy-Related Environmental Research Program and California Ocean Protection Council CEC-500-2008-083.Ecosystem responses to short-term climate variability in the Gulf of the Farallones, California
Jahncke, J, BL Saenz, CL Abraham, C Rintoul, RW Bradley, and WJ Sydeman. Progress in Oceanography 77:182-193.Responses of piscivorous seabirds at the Pribilof Islands to ocean climate
Byrd, GV, WJ Sydeman, HM Renner, and S Minobe. Deep-Sea Research II 55:1856-1867.Untangling the relationships among climate, prey and top predators in an ocean ecosystem
Wells, BK, JC Field, JA Thayer, CB Grimes, SJ Bograd, WJ Sydeman, FB Schwing, and R Hewitt. Marine Ecology Progress Series 364:15-29.
Chinook salmon (Oncorhynchus tshawytscha) – seabird covariation off central California and possible forecasting applications
Roth, JE, KL Mills, and WJ Sydeman. 2007. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 64:1080-1090.Diets of top predators indicate pelagic juvenile rockfish (Sebastes spp.) abundance in the California Current System
Mills, KL, T Laidig, S Ralston, and WJ Sydeman. 2007. Fisheries Oceanography 16:273-283.Making use of ocean observing systems: Applications to Marine Protected Areas and water quality
Making Use of Ocean Observing: Water Quality and MPAs Workshop, 2007.Population dynamics of an unexploited rockfish (Sebastes jordani) in the California Current
Field, JC, EJ Dick, M Key, M Lowry, Y Lucero, A MacCall, D Pearson, S Ralston, W Sydeman, and J Thayer. 2007. Biology, Assessment, and Management of North Pacific Rockfishes Alaska Sea Grant College Program AK-SG-07-01.Seabirds as indicators of marine ecosystems
Sydeman, WJ, JF Piatt, and HI Browman. 2007. Marine Ecology Progress Series (Theme Section) 352:199-309.Characterising meso-marine ecosystems of the North Pacific
Batten, SD, KD Hyrenbach, WJ Sydeman, KH Morgan, MF Henry, PPY Yen, and DW Welch. 2006. Deep-Sea Research II 53:270-290.Planktivorous auklet Ptychoramphus aleuticus responses to ocean climate, 2005: Unusual atmospheric blocking?
Sydeman, WJ, RW Bradley, P Warzybok, CL Abraham, J Jahncke, KD Hyrenbach, V Kousky, JM Hipfner, and MD Ohman. 2006. Geophysical Research Letters 33:L22S09.Rockfish response to low-frequency ocean climate change as revealed by the diet of a marine bird over multiple time scales
Miller, AK and WJ Sydeman. 2004. Marine Ecology Progress Series 281:207-216.